Tuesday, September 23, 2008

CVS - sorry you're not getting it for free...

...but you're going to get a GREAT deal. Many of the sales this week are high dollar so it will be hard to cover the entire cost with coupons and ECBs. However many of these are everyday items that you will actually use!

  • Nivea body wash (for men!) $4.99 free after ECB, print a $1 coupon
  • Adidas deodorant $4.99 with $4 ECB, free after $1 newspaper or All You Q
  • Pepsi 4 for $11, get $3 ECB (so $2 a pack!)
  • Kashi Bars $2.50, "join the community" to print a $2 coupon AND sign up for a free cookie and it will come in the mail!!!
  • South Beach bars $2.50, print a $2 coupon
  • Gatorade/Propel 5 for $5 get $3 ECB
  • Crest Pro-Health $2.99, get $2 ECB, there should be a $75 newspaper Q...I mean,if you want to pay .25 for it!
  • Buy $25 get $10 ECB (so basically 40% off) see below
  • -----Huggies Mega $15, $1.50 off reg diapers $2 off Pull-Ups newspaper Q
  • -----12 pack Cottonelle TP $6.49, $.50 newspaper Q
  • -----Viva paper towels $6.49, $.50 newspaper Q or print $.50 coupon
  • -----Kleenex $.99, $.30 off 3 newspaper Q
  • -----Huggies CleanTeam pump or wipes $2.99, $3 off 2 newspaper Q
  • -----Cottonelle Wipes $2, coupons here

So, like I said there are A LOT of great deals this week. This week I'm on the same playing field as some of the rest of you. I have NO ECBs! I spent them all this weekend on things I "needed"...but that's what I'm supposed to do with them, right???____________________________________________

Trip #1
Nivea body wash $4.99
Adidas deodorant $4.99
2 Kashi bars $5
.25 anything-filler (look in the school supply section)

Total: $15.23

Coupons (in this order):
$3 off $15 coupon
$1 Nivea coupon
$2 Kashi coupon

Out of Pocket: $6.23
ECBs received: $8.99
Profit: $2.76(at least this time)

Trip #2
Huggies $15
.25 filler (must have as many items as Q's)

Total: $15.25

Coupons (in this order):
$3 off $15 coupon
$1.50 off Huggies coupon
$8.99 in ECBs

Out of pocket: $1.76 and you're on your way to the $25 deal

Trip #3
Viva $6.49
Cottonelle $6.49
South Beach Bars $2.50

Total: $15.48

Coupons (in this order):
$3 off $15 coupon
.50 off Cottonelle
.50 off Viva $.50 coupon
$2 off South Beach

Out of Pocket: $9.48
ECB recieved: $10
Profit: $.52 (yes profit, but it stinks that it's after $9.48 OOP!)


Trip #4
4 Pepsi (any type) 12 pack $11
5 Gatorade/Propel $5

Total: $16

$3 off $15 coupon
$10 ECB

Out of Pocket: $3
ECBs received: $6 ($3 Pepsi, $3 Gatorade)

After four trips with some GREAT stuff we're out $14.47 - and you have some ECBs to start off your next week. PS if you're not into Huggies, substitute any of the other items listed, just get to $15 for the coupon!

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