Friday, November 21, 2008

CVS Black Friday...well Thursday

Last year on Thanksgiving morning I woke up before the sun and ran outside to get my Thanksgiving Day paper. I tore through it to get to the CVS ad and began sorting my coupons. I would've made A LOT of money last year (through ECBs) but I took Jeremy with me and he got a few (expensive) things like an MP3 player and some Christmas gifts and we ended up breaking even i.e. it was all free instead of making a profit. Personally, I want the ad in my hands so I can look at every page. However, if you want to start gathering your coupons, here it is! Pages 8-10 are particularly exciting because they are absolutely free after ECB, which means any coupons you use are purely profit. IHeartCVS has all the deals with the matching coupons from the paper and internet printables listed...I am not going to reinvent the wheel here...

I am a freak though and I actually bought MORE CVS coupons off EBay. Yikes, hopefully they'll get here in time!

Also, if you have not kept up with your coupons and would like someone to mail you exactly what you want, here are some great websites: The Coupon Clippers, Coupons & Things by Dede or The Coupon Master. I have to admit I haven't bought coupons from these websites because I usually get what I need from the newspaper every week, but from what I've heard the coupons are about 10% of the coupon value ($.10 for a $1 coupon) and they ship super you could get what you want by BF! You may also buy manufacturer coupons on EBAY, I DID do that once for a deal at Walgreens (the coupons were REALLY popular so the three sites I listed above were already out).

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