Monday, November 3, 2008

Kroger - Mega Sale

The Kroger ad this week has a ton of items which when you buy 10 (any combination) you get $5 off your order. You may buy up to 30 items that qualify and get $15 off. Here is a super easy transaction:

Buy 10 Scotch-Brite Nail Saver sponges @ $1 = $10
Buy $5 worth of additional groceries (you cannot go negative after coupons)

Print/Use 10 $1 off NailSaver coupons
Out of pocket = $0

More Mega Saver Items (buy 10, any combination). For each item, you assume that an additional $.50 is taken off each (10 items divided by $5)

  • Scotch Lint Roller mini (not trial size) $1, use $1 off roller = .50 profit (same deal as sponges)
  • Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa $1.50, buy 2 use $1 off 2 printable and .50 off 2 shortcuts coupon** = .25 each
  • Betty Crocker Box Potatoes $1.50, use .35 off paper coupon (doubled) and .35 off shortcuts coupon**= .05 profit
  • Evaporated Milk 10/$10, use .50 off 2 paper coupon = free (Pumpkin pie, right...or is that condensed milk)
  • Advil 20-24 ct $2, use $2 off Advil - - I saw this in another blog, but I couldn't find $2 Advil!
  • Bic Sensitive or Silky Smooth disposible razors $2.50, use $2 off Bic paper coupon = free
  • Dove Ice Cream Bars $2.50 = $2 after Mega Saver discount...It's not free, but boy are they them in a pinch if you need 10 items. Also, look for boxes that say "coupons inside" or something like that (maybe on the Snickers boxes) and you can go back for more on your next trip!!
  • Quaker Oats $1.50, .50 off paper coupon = free
  • Tylenol PM 24 ct $2.50, $2 off paper coupon = free
  • Tylenol Rapid Release $2.50, $2 off paper coupon = free
  • Deer Park 3 liter water $1, $1 off 2 paper coupon = free

**Shortcuts Coupons are loaded onto your Kroger card and are taken off automatically at the end.

I believe Jacob thinks Kroger is a part of his new bedtime routine this week...


Brittney said...

Will they let you use 10 coupons even though the coupons say '1 per transaction?'
This is a no-brainer deal if you can do this.

Betsy said...

Yikes, I had to re-read the coupon! One per transaction would be a problem, however, it is one per purchase. One purchase = one item. I have done this twice already (I bought 5 each time) and everything went through without problems! Thanks for the comment!

Brittney said...

THANK YOU thank you! This was my first time trying the whole use deals in the store add double coupons and get things for free! Its so awesome :) With coupons I had and the Mega Sale I got 5 sponges, 3 condensed milks, paper towels, and Betty Crocker potatoes for $.80!! Wow! I bought a few other needed items (with coupons) while at store and saved double what I actually spent. So much fun!