Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rite Aid through 10/23

Okay, I'm trying Rite Aid again. Taking on three drug stores is pretty overwhelming, but really, CVS has been stinking it up on the sale end and I haven't been in weeks. So perhaps Rite Aid will be my new replacement. The only down side is there is no instant gratification (no Register Rewards or ECBs). All their super deals come in the form of rebate checks (SCR - single check rebate), so this month I am going to be spending quite a bit of money before I see the profit (you may only submit for your check once, so I'm waiting until the end of the month). Is anybody with me? Here are the deals this week:

**Blink Tears Lubricant Eye Drops $7.99 with $7.99 SCR, use $4 coupon from paper or $1.50 coupon here = $1.50 - $4 overage
**Little Allergies Allergen Block $9.99 with $9.99 SCR, use $3 coupon = $3 overage
**Zucol Cold Care Lozenges $5.99 with $5.99 SCR, use $2 coupon from paper = $2 overage
**NeilMed SinuFlow Rinse or Nasogel $5.99 with $5.99 SCR, print a $2 off coupon here = $2 overage
**NeilMed Nasal Mist Saline Spray $9.99 with $9.99, print $2 coupon here = $2 overage
**Children’s Cold Calm Pellets or Cough Syrup $7.99 with $7.99 SCR, print $1 coupon here = $1 overage
**EOS Lip Balm $1.99 with $1.99 SCR = free (I got one of these as a free sample once and they are pretty cool – they are round balls of lip stuff)
**Little Colds Cold Formula $3.99 with $3.99 SCR = free
**Little Colds Mucus Relief or Sore Throat Melt $5.49 with $5.49 SCR = free
**Kids Chloraseptic Throat Spray or Relief Strips $4.49 with $4.49 SCR = free
**Sambucol $7.99 with $7.99 SCR = free (however, look inside for a $3 coupon)
**Cepacol Fizzlers $4.99 with $4.99 SCR = free
**Hershey’s Extra or Special Dark Candy Bar $.99, use $1 coupon from paper = free

If you take advantage of all these rebates you would spend about $62.88 out of pocket (+ tax) and would receive $76.88 back for a profit of $14! For less out of pocket and even MORE profit split your trips up and use the $5 off $25 coupon a few times.

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