Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rite Aid P&G diaper deal

Check out the P&G details here, the Rite Aid description is here. You'll want to spend $100 (before coupons) to get the $35 VISA card and spend that $100 in 4 trips using this $5 off $25. I will definately be posting some more deals, but for easy math, if you just want in for the diapers (Pampers), do this:

My Transaction #2
Pampers big box $19.99
Pampers wipes $5.99
Total: $25.98

$2 off diapers from paper
$.50 off wipes from paper
$5 off $25 (print above)

Out of pocket: $18.48
Repeat 3 more times

You'll have about $74 out of pocket (depending on how many coupons you have) and you'll get a $35 VISA card back = $39 for 4 boxes of diapers and 4 packs of wipes, that's almost cheaper than 4 jumbos!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I think I have some coupons for Papmers sensitives if you want them. My kids are both too big for them...