Tuesday, February 24, 2009

CVS through 2/28

There's not a whole lot going on at CVS this week. Monthly deals end this week, so stock up!

**Renuzit Tri-Scent (monthly deal) $5.49 with 2 ECB, use the $4 newspaper Q for $.51 profit.
**Extreme Energy 6 hour $4.99, get $4.99 ECB = free. This is different from the monthly energy one.

Clearance to look for:
**Boost Smoothies $2.12. Use $2 peelies from other Boost items in the store. Get $1 ECB back on each one = $.88 profit
**Mylanta Ultimate $3.50. Use $4 off 2 coupon from paper & get $3 ECB back for each one = $3 profit.
**Airborne Squid Soap is on clearance for about a $1. I found it on the bottom shelf of the children's drug section. There was a coupon for $2 off ANY Airborne. The coupon will probably beep - buy 2 products and they should either adjust the coupon to the product value or just push it through to get 2 for free. The first picture is what's on the coupon that says ANY. The second picture is the squid soap.

YTD Out of Pocket: $44.43
YTD Saved: $425.46
YTD Profit: $14.83
as of 2/20

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