Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wags is my fave

I just wanted to emphasize how AWESOME Walgreens is! So far I’ve been there at least once a day (gives me something to do at lunch), I’ve made great profit and greatly increased my Register Rewards stash. I used to be a CVS girl or at least an equal opportunity drug store customer, but Walgreens is my #1. I think if CVS had items in stock past 2pm on the Sunday the ad started I would be more inclined to shop there. However, I do still have some ECBs to use before the expire and when there are super deals, I intend to go…on Sunday before 2pm.

I have had awesome luck finding and buying items this week at Wags. If they have EVERYTHING in stock, below is the perfect storm (and yes, the cashier will probably freak at the amount of RRs printing). I omitted a few items from the previous list, so check back there for a few other great deals.

2 Hershey Symphony bars (big ones) on clearance $.50 each = $1
True North Nut Snacks $3
2 Neosporin @ $3.99 = $7.98
Murine Ear (difficult to find) $6
Carefree Ultra Protection (small one) $1.99
Listerine (small one) $2.99
3 One-A Day @ $.99 = $2.97

Total: $25.93

$4 off Neosporin from Wags Back 2 School Coloring Book ($2 x2)
$1 off True North (check previous list for printable)
2 - $.50 off Neosporin from paper
$1 off Carefree (check previous list for printable)
$1 off Listerine (check previous list for printable)

Out of Pocket: $17.93 + tax

Register Rewards Received: $21 ($1 Hershey’s, $3 True North, $3 Neosporin, $6 Murine, $2 Carefree, $2 Listerine, $5 One-A-Day)

Total Overage: $3.07 woohoo, go buy some toilet paper or something you actually need, or heck, splurge on that as seen on TV item you’ve been eyeing…

Check out the Wags How-To for additional information on how all this Walgreens stuff works. The above items may be purchased as many times as you want HOWEVER, you can not use a register reward for item A and buy another item A, you must use it to buy item B. For example, if you have $5 in RRs for the One-A-Day, you should purchase Murine Ear. If you purchase One-A-Day again, the $5 RR WILL NOT print again. Leave comments if you have any questions!

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