Tuesday, August 19, 2008

CVS week ending 8/23

There are SOME good deals this week. There are lots of things on sale, so visit the ad and get things YOU need also!

Crest toothpaste and Oral-B toothbrushes are on sale for $1.99 with $1 ECB.
Children's/Infants Advil is $5.79 with a $5.79 ECB (free) - limit 2 for month
Band-Aids, buy $10 worth get $5 ECB (I haven't memorized all the Band-Aid prices, so change your plan as needed)

Trip #1
2 Oral-B Indicator toothbrushes $3.98 (or two Crest)
Infant Advil $5.79
Papermate Pencils .33 (on sale 3/$1), this is a filler to make it to $10

Total: $10.10 + tax

Coupons used
$2 off $10 purchase (must give this one first) iheartcoupons
$1 off 2 Oral-B Indicator (or .75 off 2 Crest)- newspaper
$2 off Advil 40 ct - news paper
any ECBs you may have

Out of Pocket: $5.10 + tax (less ECBs)
ECBs received: $7.79 ($5.79 Advil & $2 Oral-B)
Profit: $2.69

Trip #2
Band-Aid Ultra Strips $4.49
Johnson & Johnson gauze (or something similar) $2.99
Neosporin $3.49

Total: $10.97

Coupons used
$2 off $10 purchase iheartcoupons
$1 off Band-Aid Ultra Strips - newspaper
$1 off J&J First Aid - newspaper
$1 off Neosporin - newspaper
$5.79 Advil ECB

Out of pocket: $.18 + tax
ECBs recieved: $5 (for bandaid deal)
no profit this time (ECBs used + oop - ECB received)...but you're only out .97 for all that stuff!

Total for two trips = profit of $1.72. And you can go back for more bandaids and toothpaste and toothbrushes...and anything else you might NEED.

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