Monday, June 22, 2009

CVS & Wags through 6/27

**SoyJoyBars 4 for $4 get $4 ECB = free, you may do this deal 3 times. If you bought a total of 12 and used two $1 off 5 coupons you would have $2 overage.
**Thermacare Neck to Arm Wrap 1 ct $2.49 with $2.49 ECB, use this $1 off coupon = $1 overage
**Frank's RedHot $1, use $1 newspaper coupon = free
**SOBE Lifewater 20 oz BOGO, use this BOGO coupon = 2 free

**Aquafresh Advanced toothpaste 5.6-6oz $3 with $3 RR, use $.75 coupon from paper or this $1 off coupon = $1 overage
**Accu Check Meter $14.99 with $5 RR, submit for the full rebate inside the box = $5 overage…I know, what do we need another meter for...
**Johnson’s Baby Poweder (1.5 oz) 2 for $2 with $1 RR, use 2 $1 coupons from the paper = $1 overage
**Organix Shampoo or conditioner $6.99 BOGO. There should be ‘try me free’ rebates attached to them. So send in the rebate and get 2 for free.

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