Friday, July 31, 2009

Free Stamps + UPromise @ Wags

I've posted about Wags three times already this week, but I began typing so much explanation about this deal that the other deals got here it is...

Visit the Wags photo counter, look on the wall for a photo stamp set. The box is blue and has a puppy on the front, it says $.42, but you'll get $.44's. They should be on clearance between $7.19 and $10.xx, and after your 15% off coupon they'll be $6.11 - $8.xx. What you are buying is a CD for which to put in your computer, and the code you would use to order the stamps online. There are 20 stamps included, so the actual stamp cost is $8.80, so you’re winning either way here. Those are the buying basics…

NEXT, if you have not joined then do it, do it now! UPromise is based on saving money for college or paying off student loans, but it looks like they now have a ‘cash out’ option too, so you can just take the money if the college things doesn’t apply. I have been a member for about 2 years (for Jacob) and only gained $16, but it is so easy to use, I just run my debit cards/shopper cards and random pennies are added to my account – and you can get your friends relatives to sign up for your kid too. There are a bunch of other ways to get money, go check it out….I’m telling you this because UPromise will put $8 in your account when you order your stamps online! SO after the UPromise deposit, your stamps will be free plus a little overage (depending on the clearance price)

Here’s the run down:
**Scan 15% off coupon
**Buy Clearance Photo Stamps
**Go online to UPromise and click the ‘shop now’ tab. Search for
**When you get the merchant search results, click on ‘Shop Now” located under the photostamps logo. It will take you to the appropriate website and you start creating your photostamps.
**When you add the stamps to your cart your total will be something like $18.99 plus shipping, but after inputting the code on the box you bought from Wags, your cost is $0.
**Your stamps will be mailed to you and $8 will be deposited into your UPromise account in a few weeks
**Use your stamps! Think Christmas cards, thank you cards, wedding/birthday invitations…so cute. There shouldn’t be a limit either, so buy all the free stamps you want!

I know this is a long explanation, so please comment if you have any questions!

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