Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Holy Clearance, Batman (Wags)
**Garnier Fructis (random items) $2.19 - use $1 newspaper Q's and $2 EasySaver Coupon for $.81 profit each (the one ESC will multiply by as many as you buy)
**L'Oreal Shampoo/Conditioner (random ones) $2.49 (buy in multiples of two)- use $1 newspaper Q's and $4 off 2 EasySaver Coupon for $.02 profit.
**Glade GlassScents (random ones) $1.99. Use $1 newspaper Q and recieve a $1 EasySaver Rebate for $.20 profit (after 10% gift card bonus)
Other Deals:
**Fusion Power Razor $8.99, use $4 off newspaper coupon and get $3 Register Reward ALSO, pick up a Gillette Body Wash or shampoo and get it free with the razor purchase with a newspaper coupon. Total cost for both items = $1.99
**Orajel Cold Sore overnight & patches are free after rebate plus use the $1 coupon from the newspaper AND the $8 mail in rebate that was attached to it for a $9.84 profit.
Here's what my trip looked like today:
GF ShineBurst Shampoo $2.19
GF ShineBurst Conditioner $2.19
GF Daily Care Shampoo $2.19
GF Masque Conditioner $2.19
L'Oreal Pro Vive Normal Shampoo $2.49
L'Oreal Pro Vive Normal Conditioner $2.49
Glade Clean Linen GlassScents $1.99
Gillette Power Fusion $8.99 (it rang up for $11.99 and I corrected them!)
Gillette Body Wash $4.50
Orajel Overnight Cold Sore $8.49
Total: $37.71 + tax
$2 off GF (EasySaver Coupon)- multiplied by 4 for $8 off
$4 off 2 L'Oreal Pro Vive EasySaver Coupon)
4 - $1 off GF from newspaper
2 - $1 off L'Oreal from newspaper
$1 off Glade GlassScents from newpaper
$4 off Gillette Razors from newspaper
Buy a Gillette Razor get a Gillette Body Wash - for $4.50 off from newspaper
$1 off Orajel from newspaper
Out of Pocket: $9.21 + tax
Register Rewards Recieved: $3 (Razor)
Wags Rebates: $10.43 (Orajel + Glade + 10% rebate)
Other Mail-In Rebates: $8 (Orajel)
Profit: $12.22 woohoo!!!
$3 off $15 purchase!
How do people find this stuff???
CVS Trip - No ECBs received
Charmin $5.88
Pampers $9.99
clearanced dried fruit (yum) $.25 - I needed 3 items in order to use 3 coupons.
Total:$16.12 + tax
$3 off $15 from EBay or here
$2 off Pampers
.25 off Charmin
Out of Pocket: $10.87 minus $10 ECB = .87 out of pocket
I love Pampers and I always need TP, so this was a good trip for me even though it wasn't free!
Monday, December 22, 2008
I'm goin' Nort, ay
2-Day Sale Update
Trip #2 this week:
Excedrin Express Gels $3.99 (2-day)
L'Oreal eyeshadow $6.99 (2-day)
Complete Eye Care $8.99 (monthly)
3 Promax @ $1.66 = $5 (monthly)
Total: $21.63
$2 off Excedrin
$2 off Complete
$1 off L'Oreal (do the "can I help you" consultation)
Out of Pocket: $16.63 + tax (paid in ECBs & gift cards)
ECBs received: $21.63
Rebates Received: $3.99 (Excedrin mail-in rebate from paper)
Profit: $8.99
Trip #3 - Monday afternoon - the last one - I can't take any more rejection
Zip Fizz $5.99 (2-day)
Crest Pro-Health $2.99 (weekly)
5 - Promax @ $1.66 = $5 (monthly)
Wipes $3.29 (I'm out of wipes!)
Total: $17.29 + tax
$3 off $15 bought on EBay
$1 off Crest
Out of Pocket: $13.27
ECBs Received: $12.99 ($5.99 Zip, $2 Crest, $5 Promax)
no profit - but I only spent $.28 on wipes!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Who hijacked my CVS?
I went in with a plan to buy one each: ThermaCare, Right Guard, Excedrin, Benefiber, Listerine and 2 Sally Henson...after I reached the aisles of the first FIVE items and found only empty shelves I decided that the time for a planned trip was over and I should grab whatever I could find. I ended up with:
2 Sally Henson @ $5.99 = $11.98
Halls Naturals $2.59
Zantac 150 $4.99
Total: $19.56 (+ tax)
$3 off 2 Sally Henson (found in store)
.50 off Halls from paper
$1 off Zantac from paper
Out of Pocket: $15.06
ECBs received: $19.56
Profit: $4.50
Hopefully I'll have better luck later today!
Friday, December 19, 2008
CVS 2 day sale & ad through 12/28
Here is the ad for next week. Pay close attention to the 37 FREE items Sunday & Monday. With coupons you could potentially make A LOT of profit (i.e. ECB monopoly money).
In the ad they're also offering 3 AMEX gift cards with a $10 ECB. Read this post to find about an additional rebate available that will give you a $13.15 profit.
New Tinkerbell movie - $3 profit
For Tinkerball, follow the same Wall-E directions in this post. $9.99 - $5 Wal-Mart gift card - $3 coupon - $5 rebate = $3 profit!!!
Kung Fu Panda you could get for $4.99 after the $5 Wal-Mart gift card.
Digital Photo Frame $7.99
Gift Card with Purchase
Below is a list of restaurants with gift card deals, listed in order of best value:
Melting Pot - buy $100, get $100 bonus, yes you read that correctly. Jeremy and I have been there a few times on anniversaries or birthdays and it is quite expensive but SO much fun. This is like eating 1/2 price!
Mitchell's Fish Market - buy $100, get $25
Moe's Southwest Grill - buy $20, get $5
QDoba - buy $25, get $5
Bravo's - buy $100, get $20
Applebee's - buy 50, get $10
Red Robin - buy $25, get $5
T.G.I. Fridays - buy $25, get $5
Culver's - Buy $25, get a free double deluxe burger coupon (I'll admit I did this a few times last year...)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Walgreens - Mmmm free chocolate
Trip #1
2 DeMet's Turtles 3.5 oz $.99 (I only bought 2 because I had two coupons and was getting profit on each)
3 Christmas TakeOut Boxes (so that my total would be more than $5 and I could use an RR) Buy 2 get 1 free = $3.98
Total = $15.94
$4.99 = BOGO Russell Stover Reserve from paper
$1 off Russell Stover from paper
2 - $1.50 off DeMet's Turtles ($.51 overage each) from paper
Out of Pocket: $6.95 + tax (minus $5 RR)
Rebate Received: $11.00 (#53 in the ESC, buy 2 RS get $10 + 10% gift card bonus)
Profit: $4.05

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wall-E for $1.99
Wall-E is on sale at Best Buy for $14.99 this week. Price match the ad at Wal-Mart where you will get a $5 gift card with Wall-E purchase. Use one $3 off Disney DVD coupon and print out a $5 mail-in rebate on the purchase of a Disney DVD + Minute Maid.
It goes a little something like this:
*Go to Wal-Mart with your Best Buy & Wal-Mart ad
*Pick up Wall-E & a 10 pack of Minute Maid Juice boxes.
*Check out and show them your Best Buy ad for price match
*Give the cashier your $3 off Disney DVD coupon
*After (or possibly during the transaction) the cashier will be prompted to give you a gift card
*Go home and mail in your rebate before you lose your receipt!
$19.99 for Wall-E
-$5 for price match
-$3 for coupon
Out of pocket: $11.99 + Minute Maid
Gift Card Recieved: $5
Rebate Received: $5
Actual Cost: $1.99 + juice!!!
I did this Thursday and it worked like a charm!
Additionally, I believe I saw Prince Caspian and Sleeping Beauty in Wal-Mart for the $5 gift card promotion. You may print up to 10 of the $3 coupons and send in the rebate on up to four different movies. These movies are not on sale at Best Buy, but they might be at other stores. If you don't have a price match you'll still save $13 between the coupon, rebate, and gift card with purchase.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Walgreens - through 12/13
Arm & Hammer 26 or 36 load Detergent $6.99 - buy 4 (you do not have to buy four, but this will get you to $25) = $27.96
4 day coupon for $1.99 Arm & Hammer (subtract $20)
4 - $1 off Arm & Hammer coupons - click "get coupons" at the top
Out of Pocket: $3.96 (+ tax)
RR recieved: $5 for spending $25
Profit: eh, I would say $1.04, but you may be taxed on $27.96
Other Super Deals:
**Reynolds Wrap, use .99 7-Day Wags coupon, & $1 off Reynolds from the paper = free
**Sure Deodorant 2 for $5, use $1.50 off Sure from EasySaver Catalog, & $1 off Sure = free
**Scotch Tape 2 for $2 and free after rebate
**Coke 12 packs are 3/$10, with a $2 RR for $2.66 per pack, which isn't incredible, but after the $5 RR it's not bad!
**Hidden - Free after rebate - L'Oreal Age Perfect Pro-Calcium. Wags decided it was a little too hard to get (it's the first FAR listed) last month, so it's offered again. This week L'Oreal is 25% off, so it's around $15, use $1 coupons and you have a profit of $2.50 after refilling your Wags card.
Three cases of Coke for 89 cents
Trip Scenario #2
3 - 12 packs of Coke $10
L'Oreal Age Perfect...$14.99
curling ribbon, bows, tissue paper etc. .39 (to get you to $25)
Total: $25.38
$1 off L'Oreal
Wags coupon for the .39 filler item
Out of pocket: $23.99 (minus any RRs!) (+ tax)
RRs recieved: $7 ($2 for Coke and $5 for spending $25)
Rebates recieved: $16.49 (L'Oreal FAR + 10% gift card bonus)
Total Cost: .89
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Walgreens through12/6
Colgate MaxFresh or Total is $2.99 with $2 Register Reward. There are $1 coupons out there to make it free, or there were $1.50 coupons in this months All You magazine, or here is a printable $1.50 coupon that worked for me at Walgreens on Friday, but not yesterday...so who knows...anyway, profit of $.51 with either of those.
Another good deal, Right Guard or Dri Idea Clinical Strength is on sale for $5.99 this week. There is a $5 rebate in this months EasySaver Catalog to make it $.99 (or .49 after 10% gift card bonus).
Wednesday-Saturday, if you spend $25 (before coupons) you get a $5 RR! So buy enough stuff to get you to $25 & you'll have some extra profit. There are also some great deals on soda in this ad!
Trip (Wed - Sat)
2 Reach Ultra Clean Toothbrush $6
Colgate Total $2.99
Dri Idea $5.99
Pampers $9.99 (I love Pampers)
Holiday Pencil $.17 (with in ad coupon)
Total: $25.14
$3 BOGO Reach
$1.50 Colgate
$1.50 Pampers
Out of pocket: $19.14 (+tax)
RR recieved: $5 for spending $25, $6 Reach, $2 Colgate
Rebates recieved (+ gift card bonus): $5.50
Total cost: $.64 !!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
KMart Super Doubles, Say What???
Check out the ad here.
Click here to sign up for a $5 off $50 purchase. Give them this coupon FIRST if you have $50 worth of pruducts, THEN go for manufacturer coupons.
Here is a HUGE list of items available at KMart that have corresponding coupons thanks to afullcup.com
No more than 75 coupons in one transaction
No overage :( if a coupons doubled value is more than the item cost, the amount will be adjusted to make it free
No Internet Coupons
Max four of the same item/coupon per transaction
If you don't have a list you are working with and you are just bringing lots of coupons then I would suggest the following
1. Group all the same department coupons together. For Instance: Grocery, Pharmacy (OTC), Health and Beauty, Pet, Cleaning
2. Put your group into envelopes or baggies and label the front by the dept name.
3. Make an additional envelope that says "check out" and when you find the product, pull the coupon from the dept. envelope and place it in this one.
4. When checking out MAKE SURE the coupons are doubling. I'm not sure if the register does it automatically, or if the cashier has to do it...but make sure your getting doubled!
Isn't this exciting?! I think it will be hard to sit still through church tomorrow in anticipation of going to KMart!..it's still sounds weird saying that...I'm excited to go to KMart...
CVS Black Thursday Haul
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Random Post - Customized Picture Gifts
Here is a neat website with a super deal on Personalized Rubber Coasters. At check out, use coupon code "99COASTER" and get them for $.99 each! There is no quantity limit and you get FREE shipping!
Walgreens also has 25% off their photo gifts through Nov 29th using coupon code "MERRY20." You may make custom calendars, mugs, Christmas cards, etc.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
CVS through 11/30
Let's start off with a weird but profitable transaction. If you don't know what to give someone for Christmas, give them a gift card...or just use them yourself!
3 - $25 AMEX gift cards
3 - $3.95 activation fee
Out of Pocket: $86.85
ECB received: $10
Mail-In Rebate for gas card (less $.42 postage): $14.58
Profit: $13.15
Really your just paying money for more money - take your gift cards and buy yourself some groceries at Kroger or something...
More deals....
--Maybelline Mineral Liquid $8.99, free after $8.99 ECB
--Complete Contact Solution $8.99, free after $8.99 ECB, $1 coupon from newspaper = $1 profit
--Crest Pro-Health Whitening $3.49 (monthly deal), free after $3.49 ECB, use newspaper coupons ($.75?) for profit!
Also, I love Viva paper towels, so I will be using some of my "profit" to buy them this week. They are $7.49 with a $2 ECB. There are $.50 newspaper coupons out there which would make them about $.62 per roll!
Friday, November 21, 2008
CVS Black Friday...well Thursday
I am a freak though and I actually bought MORE CVS coupons off EBay. Yikes, hopefully they'll get here in time!
Also, if you have not kept up with your coupons and would like someone to mail you exactly what you want, here are some great websites: The Coupon Clippers, Coupons & Things by Dede or The Coupon Master. I have to admit I haven't bought coupons from these websites because I usually get what I need from the newspaper every week, but from what I've heard the coupons are about 10% of the coupon value ($.10 for a $1 coupon) and they ship super fast...so you could get what you want by BF! You may also buy manufacturer coupons on EBAY, I DID do that once for a deal at Walgreens (the coupons were REALLY popular so the three sites I listed above were already out).
Sunday, November 16, 2008
CVS - amazing battery deal & more through 11/22
Today I purchased...Transaction #1
L'Oreal Age Perfect blah blah blah (the same product that is free after rebate at Walgreens)$15.99
$1 L'Oreal coupon moisturizer
Out of Pocket: $14.99 + tax
ECBs received: $15.99
Profit: $1
Transaction #2:
16 pk AA Duracell $9.99
4 pk AAA $5.29
1 9 volt $5.29
Total: $20.57
.75 off Duracell
$15.99 L'Oreal ECB
Out of Pocket: $3.98 + tax
ECBs received: $15
Total cost for 2 transactions: $3.82!!!
The only other free deal this week would be on Glade. There are a ton of coupons out there. The deal is buy $10 worth, get $5 ECBs back. Use any buy one get one free coupons and you'll technically get it all for free. For example in this Sundays paper there was a BOGO Glade GlassScents. If you use 2 of those coupons....buy for for $2.50 each = $10, get $5 off for coupons and receive $5 ECB! free. There are also refill BOGO coupons out there.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Walgreens through 11/15
***Pampers are on sale for $9.99 with a $1 register so technically they're $8.99 which isn't a great deal but I LOVE Pampers. There are $1 coupons in the newspaper, $1.50 coupons on many boxes of Cheerios and I have a ton of $2 coupons from a promotion I did a few months ago that expire 12/31 if any one wants some. Final price = $6.99-$7.99 after coupons
***Libby's Pumpkin! is $.99 using the Wags 7-day ad coupon, use this $1 off 2 coupon and they're just $.49 each!
***Progresso soup is 4 for $5 using the Wags 7-day ad coupon, use this $1.10 off Progresso and they're just $.15 each!
***Almay One Coat Mascara is $6.99 and free after rebate. I think there are $1 off coupons out there. Free after rebates are BIG money makers on these days because on top of the 10% rebate bonus you're saving an additional 25% with this coupon! Potential profit is about $3.45!
***L'Oreal Age Perfect blah blah blah is $19.99 and free after rebate. They have been a ton of $1 L'Oreal coupons in the paper. Add the 10% gift card bonus & coupon and you're profit is about $8.
I'm still looking for more deals....
Monday, November 10, 2008
Kroger - Mega Sale part 2
***added $1 off 2 Swiss Miss coupon to original Mega Sale post
Here are two of my receipts from last week - just for fun
Trip # 846 for the week
Cheerios $2
5 Nail Saver sponges @ $1 = $4
Bic Razors $2.50
Dove Ice Cream bars $2.50
2 Carnation Evap milk @ 1 - $2
Bananas $1.29
Total: $14.29 + tax
$5 MegaSaver (automatic)
5 - $1 NailSaver coupons
$2 off Bic disposible razors
.50 off 2 Carnation - doubled
Out of pocket: $1.29 + tax = 90% savings
Trip # 922 for the week
Lucky Charms $2
Cinnamon Toast Crunch $2
Batman Fruit Snacks $2
Sunkist Fruit Snacks $2
Domino Sugar $2.50
Quaker Oats $1.50
Huggies Baby Wipes $2.50
Eagle Sweet Cond Milk $2.00
2 Deer Park Water 3 liter @1 = $2
Total: $16.50
$5 MegaSaver (automatic)
.55 Cinn Toast Crunch
$2 off General Mills Cereal (this was actually a "free" coupon that Kroger sent me in the mail)
.50 off 2 Fruit Snacks- doubled
.50 off Domino Sugar - doubled
.50 off Huggies wipes - doubled
.55 off Eagle Sweet Cond Milk
$1 off 2 Deer Park 3 liter
Out of Pocket: $5.90 + tax = 75% Savings
I know I didn't get such a great deal on the fruit snacks, but Jake had been Krogering with me all week and he needed a nice treat...and then we went to the zoo!
CVS - they're back! - through 11/15
***L'Oreal Anti-Wrinkle Serum $11.99, use $1 off L'Oreal Moisturizer newspaper coupon for $1 profit after $11.99 ECB - Sunday & Monday Only
***Listerine Agent Cool Blue $3.99, use this $1 off and get it for free after $3 ECB. ALSO, if you are a member of UPromise (which by the way I am up to $12 in college savings for Jacob (haha)) you can upload a .50 coupon onto your CVS card (click on earn rewards then ecoupons) you will get $50 profit!
***Crest Pro-Health is a free monthly deal for November, it is $3.49, use the $1 newspaper coupon for $1 profit after $3.49 ECB.
***Glaceau Smart Water 1 Liter is $1.59, and free after ECB.
***Garnier Fructis Shampoo of Conditioner is $2.99, use $1 coupon, and it is free after $2 ECB.
***If you need dish soap Palmolive is $1.49, use a $.25 newspaper coupon and get it for $.24 after $1 ECB
***ITunes - think Christmas! - if you buy $50 worth (you can buy them in smaller denominations as long as it adds up) you get a $10 ECB, so technically you paying $40 for it!
***Pepsi is a great deal this week (but not free) 3 for $10, get $2 ECB which is just $2.67 per pack!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Meijer & Walgreens
Also, Meijer is having a one day sale on Saturday, so there are some great things to look for!
***Oscar Meyer fully cooked bacon, buy one get one free. On most of the packages there is a Free After Rebate form. So, 2 for free (after rebate).
***Wrigley's gum buy one get one free with in ad coupon, and use buy one get one free newspaper coupon and they're both free!
***Celestial Seasongs tea 20ct 2 for $3. Use $1 off 2 coupon from November EasySaver Catalog and 2-$1 off from Newspaper = 2 for free.
*** free 8x10 picture with online code is FREEPIC
***Almay cosmetics are buy one get one free this week. Almay one coat mascara is free after rebate so 2 for free (after rebate)
***Pillsbury Grands biscuits are $.99 this week. Here is a printable $1 off Grands =.01 profit
***Taco Bell hard shells are $1.30 everyday. Use the $1.50 off Taco Bell mealbox coupon for .20 profit
***free milk (look on page 13 of the ad) - buy 1 family size Jell-O $1, 1 Philadelphia Cream Cheese $1.25, and one Maxwell House Coffee 1/2 price - and the milk is free. If you still have the Jell-O mealbox coupon from last week you may use that (they are no longer on the site), also if you buy 3 total jello (does not have to be family size) you get $2 off your next order.
***The Breakstones coupon is still on the mealbox website too. The fruit and cottage cheese singles are 3 for $3.33 everyday, so with the $2 off 2 coupon they are .11 each!
***If you need some athletic shoes check on the Super Saturday Event for buy one get one for $1. They have New Balance, Reebok, etc. So this is a super deal.
***Sorry, nothing else is free for Super Saturday but take a look at the ad anyway. Maybe use your Taco or Grands overage to buy some LandOFrost lunchmeat (.69) or Dannon yogurt(.33)!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Kroger - Mega Sale
Buy 10 Scotch-Brite Nail Saver sponges @ $1 = $10
Buy $5 worth of additional groceries (you cannot go negative after coupons)
Print/Use 10 $1 off NailSaver coupons
Out of pocket = $0
More Mega Saver Items (buy 10, any combination). For each item, you assume that an additional $.50 is taken off each (10 items divided by $5)
- Scotch Lint Roller mini (not trial size) $1, use $1 off roller = .50 profit (same deal as sponges)
- Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa $1.50, buy 2 use $1 off 2 printable and .50 off 2 shortcuts coupon** = .25 each
- Betty Crocker Box Potatoes $1.50, use .35 off paper coupon (doubled) and .35 off shortcuts coupon**= .05 profit
- Evaporated Milk 10/$10, use .50 off 2 paper coupon = free (Pumpkin pie, right...or is that condensed milk)
- Advil 20-24 ct $2, use $2 off Advil - - I saw this in another blog, but I couldn't find $2 Advil!
- Bic Sensitive or Silky Smooth disposible razors $2.50, use $2 off Bic paper coupon = free
- Dove Ice Cream Bars $2.50 = $2 after Mega Saver discount...It's not free, but boy are they yummy...buy them in a pinch if you need 10 items. Also, look for boxes that say "coupons inside" or something like that (maybe on the Snickers boxes) and you can go back for more on your next trip!!
- Quaker Oats $1.50, .50 off paper coupon = free
- Tylenol PM 24 ct $2.50, $2 off paper coupon = free
- Tylenol Rapid Release $2.50, $2 off paper coupon = free
- Deer Park 3 liter water $1, $1 off 2 paper coupon = free
**Shortcuts Coupons are loaded onto your Kroger card and are taken off automatically at the end.
I believe Jacob thinks Kroger is a part of his new bedtime routine this week...
Grand Canyon Trip
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Meijer through 10/25
- Taco Bell Dinner Kit or Salsa $1.50 off. The picture on the coupon is for 12 hard tacos which are around $1.30 and the salsa is $1.85. So you can make a profit of $.20 or pay $.15 for salsa!
- Jell-O gelatin or pudding $1.50 off 2. Gelatin is $.64 for a profit of $.22! I forgot to look at pudding, but I would assume it's around the same price
- Breakstones Cottage Cheese $2 off any 2. Those cute little Breakstones cottage cheese with the fruit on the side are $3 for 3.33, for $.11 each!
- Smucker's Uncrustables $1 off 2 MB, .75 MQ. Uncrustables are 1/2 off this week! So they're about $1.49 (x2) minus $1 off 2 MB minus 2 - .75 off = .25 each! I don't think you can make 4 PBJ's for .25!
- Mrs.T's Pierogies are half price at $1.24. Use the $1 newspaper coupon and they just .24 each!
- New York Garlic Toast/Sticks (yum) 2 for $4. Use 2 $.40 newspaper coupons (doubled) and the $1 off 2 MB for $.60 each!
- Miejer Kettle Chips are 3/$5 this week, use the $1 off MB coupon and they're .66 each!
- Meijer French Toast Sticks are 3 for $6. Use the $1 off 2 MB and they're $1.50 each!
- Rosetto frozen pasta is 1.2 price at @ $2.09. Use the $1 off 2 MB and they're $1.59 each!
- Dean's Ice Cream is also half price this week at $2.74, use the $1 off 2 MB coupon and they're just $2.49 each!
Here is a super picture that someone else took-total cost $4.82!

Walgreens through 10/25
Free after Register Rewards:
Oral B Indicator toothbrush $4.49 (it's not marked in the store, but it is still producing the RR)
Alka-Seltzer Cold $4.99 (don't buy the cherry, the RR machine didn't like it)
St.Ives Elements Cleanser $4.99, Print $2 coupon and get a $5 RR for $2.01 profit!
Free after RRs and coupons:
Buy 3 get $8RR:Theraflu, Benefiber, Maalox, Tylenol, etc.
Here is a deal I worked up yesterday:
1 Theraflu Warming Liquid $4.99
2 Benefiber 16 ct stick pack @ $7.99 (it's not in the ad, but it works b/c it's benefiber).
Total: $20.97
$5 off Benefiber sticks from Easysaver catalog (page 22 or 12 online)(this will multiply for $10 off)
$2 off Benefiber sticks from newspaper
$2 off any Benefiber from this Sunday's newspaper (there are TONS of these floating around)
$2 off Theraflu from this Sunday's newspaper.
Out of pocket: $4.97
RR recieved: $8
Mail in Rebate for Theraflu from this Sunday's paper: $2.99 (price minus coupon)
Profit: $6.02!
Free after rebate-October (this is your last week):
Extreme Energy 6 Hour Shot $3.99
L'Oreal Cleanser up to $7.99 (use $1 newspaper Q)
Rimmel Lasting Finish Foundation up to $7.49 (use $1 newspaper Q)
Remember, rebates are always profitable because you can use manufacturer coupons & you get 10% back. These three items would give you a profit of $3.16.
Monday, October 20, 2008
CVS through 10/25
It's a great week for sales! I am posting as early as possible this week, because you'll probably want to get out there soon before everything is gone (i.e. I did not have good luck at CVS last night, but hopefully they will restock!)
Sun/Mon Only
The rest of the week still looks great:
- Powerade 32 oz. $1.69, free after ECB (use $1 or $.75 coupon for profit!)
- Butler (GUM) toothbrush 2 pack $3.99, free after ECB
- Touch of Gray $8.29, $7.71 profit after ECB & Mail in Rebate, does your dad need it?
- Excedrin Express Gels 20 ct $1.99, free after Printable Coupon and profit after mail in rebate from 10/19 paper!
- CVS bar soap (singles) $.99, free after ECB
- Colgate Maxfresh toothbrush/paste $2.99, free after ECB & $1 Maxfresh coupon
If you buy (find) everything and use all the coupons and mail in rebates you will profit $10.71.
There is also a good baby deal this week. Buy $25 in Huggies/Johnsons etc. get $10ECB. Coupons available, $2, $1.50 & $1 off Huggies/Pullups diapers, $.50 off Huggies wipes, $1 off Johnson's Bedtime products, $2 off Johnson's 2-in-1 Shampoo, $2 off 2 No More Tangles, $1 off Johnson's Lotion/Oil, $1 off Johnson's Lotion, click HERE for even more!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Meijer - no sales or newspaper coupons needed
- Taco Bell Dinner Kit or Salsa $1.50 off. The picture on the coupon is for 12 hard tacos which are around $1.30 and the salsa is $1.85. So you can make a profit of $.20 or pay $.15 for salsa!
- Breakstones Cottage Cheese $2 off any 2. Those cute little Breakstones cottage cheese with the fruit on the side are $3 for 3, i.e. free.
- Jell-O gelatin or pudding $1.50 off 2. Gelatin is $.64 for a profit of $.22! I forgot to look at pudding, but I would assume it's around the same price
Here are some mealbox (MB) & manufacturer coupon (MQ) combinations for which I do not know the cost of the product, but it's still got to be a good deal!:
- Skippy PB $1 off 2 MB, .40 (doubled) MQ
- Ziploc Zip & Steam $1 MB, .40 (doubled) MQ
- New York Garlic Bread/sticks $1 off 2 MB, .40 (doubled) MQ
- Farm Rich frozen snacks $1 off 2 MB, .75 or $1 printable MQ
- Kashi entree/pizza/waffles $1 off 2 MB, $2 printable MQ
- Birds Eye Veggies $1 off 2 MB, .35 (doubled) MQ or $1 off Voila printable
- Pepperidge Farm frozen bread $1 off 2 MB, $1 off 2 MQ
- Tyson Box/bag chicken $1 off 2, $1 off MQ
- Smucker's Uncrustables $1 off 2 MB, .75 MQ (they're still a little pricey though, you may want to wait for a sale)
And then there's a bunch of Meijer brand items that I'm sure are a good price when combined with a sale.
The fine print on each coupon says one per transaction, but I have a feeling if you go through the U-Scan you may run through as many as you want.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Walgreens and Robitissin
Robitussin & Dimetapp are $3.99 this week, and if you buy 3 of them you get $10 register rewards back.
Here is a $2 off Robitussin coupon & here is a $2 off Dimetapp coupon. Go through the registration process a few times (or more!) for a total of 3 coupons for each transaction.
It will look like this:
3 Robittusin/Dimetapp @ $3.99 = $11.97
minus 3 - $2 off coupons = $5.97 out of pocket (+ tax)
receive $10 Register Rewards for a profit of $4.03
Friday, October 10, 2008
Walgreens - better late than never, right?
- SB Automatic Shower Cleaner Kit $19.99. Use $10 off coupon & submit Wags rebate for $11 = $1 profit . p.s. if you already have the kit, buy it for the 2 refills that come with it!
- SB cleaning spray 16 oz. and/or Windex glass or multi-surface $2.50. Use $2 off coupons & submit Wags rebates for $1.10 = $.60 profit each
- Fantastik, Shout and/or Windex wipes $2.50. Use $1.50 off coupon & submit Wags rebate for $1.10= $.10 profit each
- Glade Flameles Wisp $5.99 (pick up 2 if you can find them) Use Buy one get one free coupon and $5 newspaper coupon and your paying $.99 for two fancy shmancy candles THEN a $3 Register Reward pops out for a $2.01 profit. p.s. you can get the $3 RR for just buying one, but why not go ahead and get the other one free!
Some other good deals that you can use your "profit" on
- Eggs $.99 (can you believe that!)...this is not in the ad is was blinking on the sign outside the Wags by my house...I would assume it's everywhere...
- Quilted Northern TP 6 pack $4. Use $1 off coupon and tear out the $1 off coupon from the EasySaver Catalog and it's just 33 cents each for some BIG rolls
- Coffeemate creamer is 2 for $3. Print 2 $1 off coupons to make them .50 each! (Your probably have to buy 2)
Okay so let's say you buy one of everything (each of the cleaners and 2 creamers) - you will end up with a profit of $.52 after all rebates!
SB = Scrubbing Bubbles
Rebate amounts include the 10% Wags gift card bonus
Monday, October 6, 2008
CVS this week
Bic Soliel Razor $5.99
Glaceau Vitamin Water 32 oz (make sure it's the big one) $2.29
Regular Colgate tbrush, tpaste, or Aquafresh $.99
Colgate MaxFresh with beads (make sure it has beads!)$2.99
Always Infinity 14-18 ct $4.98
CVS Bar soap (singles) .99
Total Cost (if you bought everything): $18.23
Coupons used:
$2 off Soleil Razor
$1 off Colgate tpaste (newspaper) or .75 off Colgate tbrush (newspaper) or.75 off Aquafresh
$1 off Colgate MaxFresh
Out of Pocket: $14.23 + tax
ECBs received: $14.27
Profit: yes, technically, but you'll be paying tax
Other good deals (they aren't free, but you could spend your ECBs on them!):
Small bags of Purina for cats & dogs are $1 off - probably $6 - $8. Here is a coupon for $4 off Purina
Propel/Gatorage 6 packs 2/$8 (receive $2 ECB)
Bounty Basic $5.99 - use .25 newspaper coupon
Mennen (men or women) $1.99 ($1 ECB each) buy 2 in order to use .50 newspaper coupon.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Walgreens $5 off $20
Here is what I did today:
5 Softsoap body wash @ $3.49
Fusion razor $8.99
Oral-B Toothbrush $4.49
Total: $30.93
$5 off $20 coupon
$1 off Softsoap from Monthly EasySaver book (will muliply for $5 off)
$1 off Softsoap printable (sorry only one per household)
$4 off Fusion from newspaper
.75 off Oral-B from newspaper
Out of Pocket: $15.18
Register Rewards Received: $18.50 ($10 Softsoap, $4.50 Oral-B & $4 Fusion)
Profit: $3.32
Note: If you don't have the $4 Fusion coupon, then I would switch out the razor for a one of this months free after rebate items, otherwise you'll end up paying a few $$ instead of getting it for free (after rebates and RRs).
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
CVS & Walgreens this week
Colgate Total toothpaste $2.50
Colgate 350 Toothbrush $2.50
Covergirl foundation $5.49
Dawn Hand Renewel $1
Milk? $3.65 (buy anything you need to make it to $15...$3 of it will be free anyway!)
Total: $15.14
Coupons (in this order):
$3 off $15 CVS coupon
$1.50 off Colgate total from All You or $1 off from newspaper
$.75 off Colgate toothbrush from paper
$1 off Covergirl
$1 off Dawn hand renewel
Total out of pocket: $7.89 + tax
ECBs received: $8.79
profit: $.90
Oral-B Toothbrush $4.49 (yup that's all I got for free stuff this week, unless you want to start diving into the October free after rebate items)
Total: $4.49 + tax
.75 off Oral-B
Out of Pocket: $3.74
Register Rewards Recieved: $4.50
Profit: $.76
Friday, September 26, 2008
What a great visual!

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Walgreens $5 off $20
It looks like they've changed the wording on this coupon to restrict all coupons after the use of the $5 off $20. So do your math and make sure after you use all your Wags coupons, Manufacturer coupons and register Rewards that your total is at least $20. In the end your max out of pocket should be about $15 and you can make that up in rebates...
Walgreens - Double Dip & (other great deals)
The Wags monthly EasySaver books are FULL of coupons and rebates. These books overlap for two days each month allowing for the use of two months coupons, two months rebates AND manufacturer coupons, i.e. double (or triple) dipping. I'm not going to lie, this event takes some preparation (depending on how much you want), but it can be well worth it! The September one should be in the store waiting for you, but sometimes they hold the October one back. However, you can print any and all of the coupons from their website: September October. If you want rebates items for September and October, just be sure to make two trips so that they are on two receipts.
There is going to be a of lot explaining for this one, so we'll abbreviate some words:
SQ=September Coupon
SR=September Rebate
OQ=October Coupon
OR=October Rebate
MQ=Manufacturer Coupon
MR=Manufacturer Rebate
IP = Internet Printable (Manufacturer) Coupon
These items are double dips with no rebates to worry about-you can buy them with September or October rebate items:
- Nutripals $4.79: $1 SQ, $1 OQ, $1 MQ = $1.79!
- Jergens Lotion $3.99: $1 SQ, $1 OQ, $1 MQ = .99
- KY Yours & Mine $19.99: $5 SQ, $5 OQ, $5 IP = $4.99
Register Rewards (use like cash on your next visit!)-you can buy these with September or October rebate items:
- 2 Ultra Clean Reach toothpaste or floss @ $2.50 = $5: get $5 RR = free, HOWEVER I haven't seen them in the 3 Walgreens I've walked through!
- Crest Pro-Health $4.49: get $4.50 RR = free
- 2 Oreos/Chips Ahoy @ $2.50 = $5: get $2 RR (you don't have to buy the milk as listed in the ad) = $1.50 each
September double dips then rebates:
- Pert Plus $3.79 (online rebate submission only): $3.79 SR, $2.50 OQ, $2 MQ = $4.50 profit
- 3 Garnier Fructis (the big ones) @ $6.99 = $20.97: $10 SR, $9 OQ (the $3 OQ will x 3), 3-$1 MQ = $1.03 profit
- 4 11-14 oz bags M&Ms @ $2.50 = $10: $5 SR, $2 OQ (the $1 off 2 will x 2) = $3
- Excedrin Express Gels $3.99: $3.99 SR, $2 MQ for PM = free or $2 profit
- Nivea for Men $4.99: $4.99 SR, $1 IP = $1 profit
- L'Oreal Revitalift $16.49: $16.49 SR, $1 MQ = $1 profit
- Crest Pro-Health $3.79: $3.79 SR, .75 MQ = .75 profit
- Chemistry Hair Care $7.99: $7.99 SR = free
- LypSyl Moistrurizer (with Chapsticks) $1.99: $1.99 SR = free
October Double Dips (you don't have to buy the non-double dip rebates):
- Glade Scented Oil $5.79: $2 SQ, $2 OR, $2 MQ=.21 profit
- 2 Oust Air Sanitizer @ $3.79=$7.98 : $2 SQ ($1 SQ will double), $2 OR (2-$1 rebates), $3.79 (BOGO) MQ, $1 MQ = .81 profit (wow, that was a lot of Q's!)
- Glade Fabric Spray $3.99: $1 SQ, $1 OR, $1.50 IP = .49
- 4 - 8-14.8 oz Hershey's Harvest Bag Candy @ $2= $8: $2 SQ ($1 off 2 will double), $5 OR=$1!!
WOW! Wasn't that fun! If you get EVERYTHING on the list you will make a profit of $1.60 (not counting tax and with the 10% gift card bonus). You are making a profit, but you will be spending quite a bit out of pocket due to rebates. If you submit online it just takes a couple of weeks to get the gift card back in the mail.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
CVS $3 off $15
CVS - sorry you're not getting it for free...
- Nivea body wash (for men!) $4.99 free after ECB, print a $1 coupon
- Adidas deodorant $4.99 with $4 ECB, free after $1 newspaper or All You Q
- Pepsi 4 for $11, get $3 ECB (so $2 a pack!)
- Kashi Bars $2.50, "join the community" to print a $2 coupon AND sign up for a free cookie and it will come in the mail!!!
- South Beach bars $2.50, print a $2 coupon
- Gatorade/Propel 5 for $5 get $3 ECB
- Crest Pro-Health $2.99, get $2 ECB, there should be a $75 newspaper Q...I mean,if you want to pay .25 for it!
- Buy $25 get $10 ECB (so basically 40% off) see below
- -----Huggies Mega $15, $1.50 off reg diapers $2 off Pull-Ups newspaper Q
- -----12 pack Cottonelle TP $6.49, $.50 newspaper Q
- -----Viva paper towels $6.49, $.50 newspaper Q or print $.50 coupon
- -----Kleenex $.99, $.30 off 3 newspaper Q
- -----Huggies CleanTeam pump or wipes $2.99, $3 off 2 newspaper Q
- -----Cottonelle Wipes $2, coupons here
So, like I said there are A LOT of great deals this week. This week I'm on the same playing field as some of the rest of you. I have NO ECBs! I spent them all this weekend on things I "needed"...but that's what I'm supposed to do with them, right???____________________________________________
Trip #1Nivea body wash $4.99
Adidas deodorant $4.99
2 Kashi bars $5
.25 anything-filler (look in the school supply section)
Total: $15.23
Coupons (in this order):
$3 off $15 coupon
$1 Nivea coupon
$2 Kashi coupon
Out of Pocket: $6.23
ECBs received: $8.99
Profit: $2.76(at least this time)
Trip #2
Huggies $15
.25 filler (must have as many items as Q's)
Total: $15.25
Coupons (in this order):
$3 off $15 coupon
$1.50 off Huggies coupon
$8.99 in ECBs
Out of pocket: $1.76 and you're on your way to the $25 deal
Trip #3
Viva $6.49
Cottonelle $6.49
South Beach Bars $2.50
Total: $15.48
Coupons (in this order):
$3 off $15 coupon
.50 off Cottonelle
.50 off Viva $.50 coupon
$2 off South Beach
Out of Pocket: $9.48
ECB recieved: $10
Profit: $.52 (yes profit, but it stinks that it's after $9.48 OOP!)
Trip #4
4 Pepsi (any type) 12 pack $11
5 Gatorade/Propel $5
Total: $16
$3 off $15 coupon
$10 ECB
Out of Pocket: $3
ECBs received: $6 ($3 Pepsi, $3 Gatorade)
After four trips with some GREAT stuff we're out $14.47 - and you have some ECBs to start off your next week. PS if you're not into Huggies, substitute any of the other items listed, just get to $15 for the coupon!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Walgreens - I think I'm a coupon snob
I know, you only have two days to get to Walgreens because I am posting so late. We were out of power for almost 5 days following the wind storm, so I am behind on quite a few things, including but not limited to dishes, making lunches, going to Walgreens, laundry, making dinners, going to CVS...anyway, this week has been a mess.
Nevertheless I made it to Walgreens this afternoon and came out pretty well for little preparation! And the title of this post - I think I'm a coupon snob - comes from the fact that I didn't buy toothpaste at Walgreens this afternoon because it wasn't free. I had a 75 cent coupon that would've made it 25 cents out of pocket, but I couldn't find my $1 coupon that would've made it free...so I just walked a way. Does anyone else refuse to PAY for toothpaste???
Anyway, here's my trip:
- Tuf garbage bags 45 ct $2.50 (this is a great deal - not all the bags are marked but most are $2.50)
- 2 - Nestle Morsels @ $3.29 = $6.58
- 2 - Glade Plug In Gel & $1.99 = $3.98
- Glade Candle $1.99
- Crest Pro Health Rinse $4.49
- 2 Pantene Beau Length Sham @ 4 = $8
- Pantene Gel $4
Total: $31.54
- Nestle Morsels $1.99 (subtract $2.60) tear from page 3 of the weekly ad
- 2 - $1.50 of Nestle chips (go to the bottom of the pages & sign up)
- BOGO Glade PlugIn - newspaper
- $1 off Glade PlugIn (coupon was stuck to PlugIn!)
- $1 off Glade candle - newspaper
- $2 off Pantene - newspaper
- $4 off - free Pantene stylling product when you buy 2 Pantene Sham/Cond - newspaper
- $10 Robitussin Register Reward (COME ON you did the deal last week right?!?!)
Out of Pocket: $5.95 (or $15.95 without RR) + tax
RRs recieved: $6.50 ($4.50 for Crest and $2 for Pantene)
Rebates received: $8.80 ($5 for Pantene #11,$2 for Glade PlugIn #33, $1 for Glade Candle #34 with 10% gift card bonus)
Total cost. $0.65 + tax (out of pocket + RRs used - RR received - Rebates recieved)
OH and if you want the .25 toothpaste, tear the "super coupon" from page 11 of the weekly ad and use the .75 coupon from the paper, or I THINK there was a $1 coupon in the All You magazine...but I can't find it!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
CVS this week
Here are some easy ones - and don't forget your $2 off $10 purchase (you just have a few weeks left with it!!!)
- Excedrin Express Gels 20 ct.$3.99 get $3.99 ECB - If they sell it in Migraine, here is a $2 coupon, if they sell it in PM there was a $2 coupon in the paper (either way $2 profit)
- Purex 2.99 get 1.00 ECB - there was.50 coupon from paper GREAT DEAL
- Hellmans($3), Lipton($3), Skippy ($2.50) or Ragu ($2.50), buy $10 get $3 ECB - newspaper coupons: .60 off Hellmans; .75 off 2 or $1 off 2 Lipton; $1 off 2 Ragu; .60 off Skippy
- Aleve D Sinus & Cold or Sinus Headache $3.99 get $3.00 ECB - newspaper coupon .75 off Aleve or $1 off Aleve D or $1 off any Aleve or another $1 off Aleve D to make it free
- Hershey's extra large candy bars .99, buy 2 get $1 ECB (use for $10 filler)
Trip #1
Aleve D $3.99
2 Lipton Tea @ $3 = $6
Mr.Goodbar x large (4.4 oz) $.99
Total = $10.98
Coupons used:
$2 off $10 purchase
$1 off Aleve D
$1 off 2 Lipton
Out of pocket: $6.98
ECBs earned: $3 (Aleve and $6 on your way to the Lipton, PB, Ragu deal)
Total cost: $3.98
Trip #2
Excedrin Express Gels $3.99
2 Ragu @ $2.50 = $5
Purex $2.99
any Hershey x large $.99
Total: $12.97
Coupons used:
$2 off $10 purchase
$2 coupon Excedrin Migraine, or $2 off PM from paper
.50 off Purex
$1 off 2 Ragu
$3 ECB from Aleve
Out of Pocket: $4.47
ECBs recieved: $8.99 ($3.99 Excedrin, $3 Ragu/PB/etc, $1 Purex, $1 Hershey)
Profit: $1.52 woohoo (ECB received minus ECBs used minus out of pocket)
Overall, for these two trips your total actual cost for ALL this stuff was about $2.46!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
$10 off $40 purchase - I know, Walgreens again...
Trip #1
Pledge Wipes $3.79
Pledge spray (yellow) $3.79
Drano $3.79
Scrubbing Bubbles (SB) Shower Foam Max $3.79
2 - SB Brush Max @ $3.79 = $7.58
SB Action Scrub $3.79
Excedrin Gels $3.99
Crest Pro Health Toothpaste $3.79
2 Oust Air & Surface Sanitizer @ $2.99 = $5.98
milk $3.49
Total: $43.78
Q's (in this order)
$1 off Oust from EasySaver Catalog
$10 off $40 coupon
2 - $.75 off Pledge
$1 off SB Foam Max
$3 off SB Brush Max
$1 off SB item
$1 off SB Action Scrub
$.75 off Crest P-H
$2.99 (BOGO) Oust
$1 Oust
$10 Robitussin Register Reward (come on, you got some this week, right???)
Out of Pocket: $19.54 or $9.54 with RR
RR received: $10 for cleaning Items
Wags Rebates Recieved: $8.55 (Excedrin & Crest with 10% GC bonus)
Total cost $.99!!!
Trip #2
Lypsyl (in chapstick area) $1.99
Wags Acid Controller (with antacids) $7.99
Living Solutions Bags (those vacuum bag things) $5.99
Pert Plus $3.79
3 Dimetapp @ $3.99 = $11.97
2 Visine @ $3.99 = $7.98
Crest Pro-Health Rinse $4.49
Total: $44.20
Q's (in this order)
$2 off Visine from EasySaver Catalog
$10 off $40 coupon
$2 off Pert
3 - $2 off Dimetapp
2 - $3 off Visine from All You mag, or 2 - $2 off Visine from paper
$10 RR from cleaning products
Out of Pocket: $6.20
RR received: $14.50 (Dimetapp & Crest Rinse)
Rebates Received: $21.73(Lypsyl, Wags AC, vacuum bags and Pert with 10% bonus)
Total Profit: $20.03 (RR received + Rebates Received - out of pocket - RR used)
FYI the vacuum bags and Pert are extra rebates that have been added this month for Wags. They are not in the EasySaver book but when you log in at Walgreens they are listed for submission.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Walgreens - Let's make some money!
How much to you like Robitussin? That is the question this week because you can make SEVEN Walgreens dollars for EVERY three Robitussin you buy. With all this free Walgreens money you could get some batteries or a new MP3 player, develop some pictures, get diapers, or buy some free after rebate items! The possibilities are endless (well, endless inside the Walgreens walls).
Buy 3 Robitussin @ $3.99 each = $11.97 + tax
Use 3 - $3 off Robitussin coupons = $9
Out of Pocket = $2.97 + tax
Receive $10 in Walgreens Register Rewards. WOOHOO
fyi: the coupon will have your name on it and a "unique code" but the website does not limit your printing (if they wanted to they could) and says nothing about one per customer or transaction. It does say one per purchase though (in case someone asks) - one purchase is one item. So three items and three coupons is fine.
Other Walgreens deals this week:
- - Crest Pro-Health mouthwash $4.49, free after $4.50 Register Reward
- - Tylenol PM $3.49 , use $2 coupon from this Sunday's paper and $1 coupon from the EasySaver Catalog for a total cost of $.49
- - Visine $3.99, use $3 coupon from All you (Wal-Mart mag) and $2 coupon from the EasySaver Catalog for a $1.01 profit, or use the $2 coupon from the paper w/ the EasySavor to make it free.
I did all 4 of these deals in one transaction, spending $8.38 (with tax) and receiving $14.50 in Register Rewards - $6.12 in profit!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
There are a lot of great deals at CVS this week. So many that I am not going to plan example trips because I would end up with about 14 to get EVERY deal. So buy what you want and keep your totals at or above $10 (before coupons) to maximize your spending with the $2 off $10 coupon
Covergirl Outlast Lipcolor is buy one get one free at $9.99. Use the BOGO lipcolor coupon from this Sunday's paper and they're both free! (you must buy other stuff with this to use the $2 off $10!)- Covergirl Wetslicks is $5.99 and free after ECB. There is a $1 off any Covergirl coupon from the paper making this a $1 profit.
- Dawn Hand Renewel is .99 this week. There was a $1 coupon in this Sunday's paper.
- Kiss Nail Glue, I know, do we really need this??? But if you buy two at $1.99 each, you get $5 back, which is a $1.01 profit (I've already done this deal, it works)
- Colgate is $2.99 with $2 ECB. You can use the $1 off Colgate from the paper a few weeks ago or the $1.50 out of the All You magazine (available at Wal-Mart) for a .01 or .51 profit.
- Goody's is $1.49 and free after ECB
- Diabetes Monitor $9.99 and free after ECB, know anyone that needs one?
- Flav-o-Ice is normally $14.99 but has been on clearance for 75% off at some stores. It turns out there is still a $5 ECB printing on it from a sale in May! So if you find it you'll profit about $1.25
- Arnicare (I think it's like IcyHot) is a monthly deal and it is $8.99 with an $8 ECB. Use this $2 coupon to make a $1.01 profit.
- Purex 32 load, 50 oz is on sale this week for $2.99. A $1 ECB is printing on it! There was also a .50 coupon from the paper. Detergent for $1.49!
- Charmin & Bounty are on sale for $6.49. This isn't a such a great deal, but what else are you going to do with all that profit.
If you bought EVERYTHING listed (that's a lot of trips (but I'll do it)) and one of the $6.49 items, your total cost after ECB would be $3.20. HOWEVER that does NOT include the $2 off $10 coupons. So you'll make a major profit if you split all your trips!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Last week's drug store tally
CVS Loot:
2 12 pack Mtn Dew $6
2 12 pack Pepsi $6
5 Gatorade (2 not pictured) $5
2 ZipFizz Energy drink $11.98
1 Ecanacia (Jeremy wanted) $6.99
1 Swiffer wetjet refill (Betsy needed) $4.39
2 Stayfree $9
1 Kotex $1.49
2 hand sanitizer $2.38
1 Malt 0 Meal cereal $1
1 CVS cough drops .50
Original cost: $54.73
Coupons used: $21
ECBs used: $30.06
ECBs received: $23.47
Out of pocket: $4.67 rolling those ECBs!
So after ECBs and coupons I paid: $11.26 Savings of 79%!
Walgreens Loot:
2 John Frieda $9.73
5 Garnier Fructis shampoo/conditioner $19.95
1 Garnier Fructis hair gel $3.99
1 Chemistry Shampoo $7.99 (this better be good stuff!)
1 Nivea body wash $4.99
L'Oreal wrinkle serum $12.36
Original cost: $59.01
Manufacturer Coupons used: $6
Walgreens Coupons used: $17
Register Rewards Received: $9
Rebates received (at the end of the month): $38.87 (with 10% gift card bonus)
Profit: $8.86
Friday, August 29, 2008
Meijer another SUPER Sale
If you are a camper, they have those little propane tanks for $1.99!
Walgreens today and tomorrow
Double dipping is tricky business. For two days a month you can use coupons and rebates from two months of the EasySaver catalogs. A lot of times the products overlap (which is silly for them but great for us) Using the $10 off $40 coupon, you must use all EasySaver and Walgreens coupons FIRST, then your total must be abover $40, then give them the $10 off $40 coupon, THEN start on manufacturer coupons. Does it sound confusing? Yes, it is. But carefully planned you can get some great stuff for free and make some (Walgreens) money. I think I've made about 8 Excel spreadsheets already trying to get the best bang for my buck (it does the math for me. If you local Wags does not have the September book out yet, you can print your coupons off their website .
Here is a quick and EASY transaction-this does not take full advantage of the DD, but it will work!
Chemistry Shampoo $7.99
Revitalift Lotion $16.49
2 John Freida Lux Volume (it's blue) $9.74 (on sale buy one get one 1/2 off)
Huggies Jumbo $9.49
Total before Q's: $43.71
$10 off $40
$3 off Chemistry from August catalog
$1 off Revitalift - newspaper
$3 off 2 John Frieda - All You may, or 2 $1 off from newspaper
$1 Huggies
Out of pocket: $25.71 - $26.71 depending of JF coupon.
Register Rewards recieved (instant gratificaion) = $11 ($2 Huggies & $9 JF)
Rebates recieved: $24.48 (Free after rebate Revitalift & Chemistry)
Profit: $12.21 (this includes 10% back on Walgreens card)
Other deals to throw in (it will take a lot more planning with the $10 off $40)
6 Garnier Fructice @ 3.99 = $23.94
- - use $1 off GF from August book = $6 (only need to give them one Q)
- - use up to 6 $1 off GF from newspaper
- - rebate for September, $10 back on $20 GF purchase
- - - at the most you are getting 6 for $7.94, if you have 6 $1 off coupons you are paying $1.94!
50 pictures for $5
-Walgreens has a GREAT website for developing pictures. Upload your pics and use coupon code GETFIFTY through Aug 30
Oust Air Sanitizer - buy TWO
- - use $1 off from September book = $2
- - use BOGO from newspaper = $4.49
- - rebate for August, $1 for each Oust
- - - this would end up being . 49 for two!
Get to $40 so you can use your $10 off by buying what you need! Milk, bread, etc!