Monday, November 23, 2009

Wags through 11/28

Check out the scenarios I posted yesterday, over $90 worth of items for $.71! Below are the rest of the deals for this week…either to do some more shopping today with the $5 off $25 in-store coupon available here or to just continue shopping this week…There will be some Black Friday (or maybe Thursday) deals that I will post soon too.

**Buy $10 worth of Nabisco @ $2 get $3 RR, use $1 coupons from paper and $1 off 2 from Wags Diabetes book (will take off $.50 each) = $3.50 for 5 boxes (if you just have 1 - $1 coupon and the Wags coupon.) Go back again to get a total of 10 boxes and submit for the $10 Keep the Jingle in your Holidays rebate = overage
**Buy 2 Triaminic @ $5 get $5 RR, use $3 off 2 from paper and $2 off from Wags Health Savings Book (multiplies x 2) = $2 overage
**Buy 3 Lubriderm 6 oz @ $3.79 get $8 RR, use $2 coupons from paper and $1 off from Wags diabetes book = $1.63 - $5.63 overage depending on how many $2 coupons you have
**Buy 2 Theraflu @ $5 get $3 RR, use 2 - $2 coupons from paper and $2 off from Health Savings book (multiplies x 2) = $1 overage
**Dulcolax Balance $7 with $4 RR, use $3 coupon hanging on bottle and submit for $5 rebate = $5 overage (or free if you’ve already done the rebate once)
**Vanity Fair plates/bowls BOGO $3.79, use BOGO coupon from All You mag = 2 packs free
**Almay Pure Blends Foundation $9.99 with $10 RR = free
**Kleenex 78 or 110 ct $.89 with in-ad coupon, print $.75 coupon from here = $.14 (I tried to get this last night and didn’t see any 78 or 110 ct, has anyone found it?)
**Toblerone 2 for $3, use $1 coupon from paper and $1 off 2 from Wags November booklet = $.25 each.
**Buy 2 Rolaids 100 ct @ $4.99 get $5 RR, use $4 off 2 coupon = $.49 each
**Select kitchen appliances $6.99 with in-ad coupon (fun stuff)

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