Monday, November 2, 2009

Wags through 11/7

Almay has some SUPER deals this week. There are signs up for RR deals (not listed in the ad) and then the buy one get one 50% off sale seems to actually be buy one get one free on some items. AND there is a $4 off One-Coat mascara in the November coupon book. For the $10 and $5 RR you would buy the Pure Blends Foundation + a Pure Blends mascara, eye shadow or lip gloss (I think the mascara is the cheapest). Here is what I did using the RR deals and the $4 coupon:
Almay Pure Blends Foundation $9.99 (in tube)
Almay Pure Blends mascara $6.99 (free)
Almay One-Coat Mascara $6.99
Almay One-Coat Mascara $6.99 (free).

Total: $16.98
Coupons: $8 ($4 off x2) Wags November book
Out of Pocket: $8.98
RRs received: $15 (a $10 & a $5)
Profit: $6.02!!!

Other deals:
**Dulcolax Balance $7 with $4RR, find $3 coupon from the package and also submit for the $5 rebate also on the package = $5 overage (If you already submitted for the rebate then this item would just be free with peelie coupon)
**Campbell's Tomato Soup $.50 each, print this $1 off 2 coupon here = 2 free
**Hunts canned Tomato Sauce 8oz 3 for $1, play the Recession Payback Game and print a $1 off 3 coupon (among others)= 3 free
**Robitussin DM To Go 2pk $2.49 with $2.50RR = free
**Buy two select Gillette, Old Spice, Secret and/or Tag products at $4 each, get $2RR. Best deal would be to buy 1 Gillette Body Wash and 1 Gillette Deodorant - use the buy 1 deodorant get body wash FREE coupon from Sunday’s paper, and the $1 coupon from Sunday’s paper, pay $3 and get back $2RR = $.50 each
**Dial Foaming Hand soap or Yogurt Soap or Bar Soap $1.99=$1RR, use $.35 Q = $.64


Elizabeth said...

Can I buy one of the mascaras from you since I am a slacker and probably won't do the deals this week? Or I could pay you in coupons if you need extras...I am drowning in coupons and NEVER clip them. Such a slacker...

Betsy said...

Yes, you are a coupon slacker and yes, please take some mascara. With so much overage I am going to have a hard time controlling myself...I've only been once so far, but I have big plans...